Experiment Butt
Aim : To investigate the relationship between butt size and gap of Suria’s chair and big metal box.
Hypothesis : The smaller the butt size, the easier it is to pass through gap. Size of butt is inversely proportional to the ability to pass through gap (Rise and Fall Law)
Variables : 1. Manipulated – Butt of subject X and Y
2. Responding – Ability to pass through gap
3. Fixed – Size of gap
Apparatus : Ruler, Suria’s chair, big metal box
Materials : Subject X and Y
Technique : Force Subjects to pass through the gaps sideways.
Diagram :
Procedure :
1. Suria’s chair is placed in front of the big metal box that is situated at the back of the class room.
2. The length of the gap between the box and Suria’s chair is measured using a 15cm ruler as shown in the diagram.
3. The length of the gap is 15cm and is kept constant throughout the experiment.
4. Subject X, which has a small butt, is force to pass through the gap.
5. The results are recorded.
6. The experiment is repeated with Subject Y who has a bigger butt than Subject X.
7. Results are then recorded. Both results from both sets of experiments are tabulated and inferences are made based on the results.
Precautions :
1. Do not overfeed the Subjects otherwise butt size will increase and will be unsuitable for experiment.
2. Suria’s chair must not be moved at all times no matter what.
3. An audience is necessary because the more people laugh, the more fun it is.
4. Do not take photo of Subject’s butt as it is considered as pornography to be posted on the internet and it is hazardous towards human eyes to look at people’s butt.
Results :
Experiment (subject) Results
X Can pass through
Y Cannot pass through
Discussion :
Subject X is able to pass through the 15cm gap because X has a smaller butt, so Subject has more space to pass through. Subject Y is unable to pass through the gap because Y has a bigger butt, which inhibits the space that is intentionally prepared for Subject to move through. The size of butt therefore influences the ability to pass through small gaps. This inference is based on the Rise and Fall Law, which was discovered by the Butt Prof. of 5A on 26 July 2007. The Law states that the size of butt is inversely proportional to the ability to pass through small gaps. The bigger the butt size, the lower the ability to pass through small gaps; and the smaller the butt size, the higher the ability to pass through small gaps. This thesis is supported by the formula :
2 times 2semicircle,
half radius times pie equals to ??? diameter ???
eventually equals to size of butt
This formula is formulated by Prof. Ah-Ng AnnAnn from AnnAnn Country.
Conclusion :
Size of butt is inversely proportional to the ability to pass through gaps. Hypothesis accepted.
Extra info and notes :
This experiment was conducted on a pure bored basis. The scientists were supposed to be paying attention in class and do their work quietly, but they felt that the understanding of Fictional Physics and Pure Fun and Laughter was more important. Materials were contributed willingly and no subject was harmed during the entire course of the experiment. Subjects were notified and awared that they were being experimented. All Subjects, scientists and bystanders were insanely laughing their heads off during the experiment. This experiment is Copyright Protected by the Panda/Walrus/Puppy of 5A.
Conducted by : Matahari, Panda, Suria, Taekwando Guy, Ah-Ng AnnAnn and Mr. Kho
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